Bright Vision Family Eyecare

7 Tips to Follow to Improve Dry Eye Symptoms

7 Tips to Follow to Improve Dry Eye Symptoms

7 Tips to Follow to Improve Dry Eye Symptoms

7 Tips to Follow to Improve Dry Eye Symptoms

Are you among the estimated 16 million Americans suffering from dry eye? If so, you are probably familiar with the numerous home remedies said to help with the condition. However, not all remedies are equally effective.

The American Optometric Association (AOA) explains that dry eye occurs when the quality of tears is insufficient to lubricate and nourish the eye. That leads to discomfort and even pain with common symptoms such as burning and redness.

If you experience these symptoms or encounter any vision-related difficulties, it is best to seek the advice of an eye doctor. Various remedies and lifestyle changes can alleviate the symptoms of dry eye. Yet, it is best to consult your doctor before trying them.


What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?


Tears are crucial in maintaining the health and cleanliness of our eyes. These liquid secretions, produced by glands behind the upper eyelid, spread across the eye every time you blink. That provides a continuous source of moisture. The tears then flow into the tear ducts in the inner corners of the eyelids and drain away.

However, those with dry eye syndrome often experience a deficiency in tear production or an accelerated evaporation rate. While this condition can sometimes improve with treatment, it may persist for a lifetime for some individuals.


How to Improve Dry Eye Symptoms


People with this eye condition often seek relief through eye drops. While medication, including artificial tears, can be crucial in managing the disease, the following remedies and adjustments can help alleviate your symptoms.


Stay Hydrated


Drinking enough water is beneficial for overall health, including eye health. That is because it helps produce high-quality tears that keep the eyes moisturized. Doctors recommend drinking water regularly throughout the day, but there is yet to be a consensus on how much one should drink.


Use Artificial Tears

To combat dry eye symptoms:

  • Consider using over-the-counter eyedrops or artificial tears

  • Choose preservative-free options for a safer formulation

  • Use these daily for improved comfort and hydration

  • For extra moisture, try lubricating eye gels at night before bed


Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in fish such as mackerel, wild salmon, sardines, and herring, are essential to a healthy diet. To reap their benefits, aim to consume these fish at least twice a week. These fatty acids not only promote overall health but can also alleviate dry eye symptoms.


Avoid Sitting Near Heat Sources


Dry air, particularly during winter, can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. Indoor heating systems that draw from air with low humidity levels can significantly contribute to dryness. It is best to position yourself away from heating vents and units or to use a humidifier in your living or working space.


Minimize Screen Time


Spending extended periods looking at screens from computers, smartphones, or tablets can affect your eye health. Sustained focus on a screen can result in decreased blinking. That can cause moisture to evaporate from the eye’s surface and increase the risk of dry eye. It is best to take 20-second breaks every 20 minutes by looking away from the screen at an object 20 feet away.


Use a Warm Compress


Using moist heat can be an effective home treatment for dry, irritated eyes. Immerse a clean cloth in warm water, wring excess moisture, and place it over closed eyelids for 5 to 10 minutes. Not only will this relieve inflamed eyelids, but it can also reduce stress and promote a sense of overall well-being.


Use Appropriate Eyewear


When going outside, wear sunglasses. Use protective eyewear when working with machinery or playing sports that can cause airborne particles. That can guard against irritation and keep your eyes safe.




It is crucial to understand that dry eye is not a temporary affliction but a chronic condition that requires ongoing care and management to keep symptoms at bay. It is important to remember that dry eyes do not develop overnight, and maintaining eye comfort requires patience and persistence.

For more on dry eye syndrome, visit Bright Vision Family Eyecare at our Flushing, New York, office. Call (929) 666-5048 to schedule an appointment today.

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